So I finally had a chance to relax and just ignore cleaning and what do I do? I make tea, knit and watch the live action version of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather! I am only in the first 23 minutes and I love it already and have squeed quite a few times. What can I say I <3 the Discworld, if you haven't read a Terry Pratchett book yet get up off you cute little butt and go get one!! I highly reccommend all of them, especially the ones that feature death, susan, rincewind, luggage, the librarian (oook!), nanny ogg and granny weatherwax -- which covers almost every single book! After this I may start trying to find a Death of Rats graph chart if there is one out there!! Darn I need to get a paid account I want to have more user pics so I can have a Death from Discworld and Death of Rats icons!!
Also I finished some knitting projects,
come see. Happy Holidays to all of you and a special happy yule/winter solstice to all tomorrow darn today I got it marked wrong in my calendar oopps.