Nov 23, 2007 22:15
So tonight was the first real fucking sucky night of my job.. I've been working at the movie theater for about two weeks now, & I've done a good job so-far... well tonight, I could have been fired...
So the night starts out weird, & insanely busy... Jamaikaa (yes, the country name... but spelled properly lol)stated that she had bad vibes.. like about the people, & about the place.. she doesn't like it when this happens.. My shift started at 6pm, and she told me this then.. We went to work, hoping nothing would happen...
around 7:30pm a fire (the first in the history of this theater) broke out of one of the popcorn machines & up into the vents.. for a little while it was up in the vents, but that was all taken care of.. After I witnessed the fire, I ran telling people that "everything is alright, it's just the popcorn machines you can come back in." BIG MISTAKE. Luckily, I wasn't the only one.
I got talked to, cuz well, my fight or flight (adreniline rush) made me do the wrong thing. Yes, it was a mistake, & yes my manager didn't yell.. neither of them did. Infact, they let a few of us off of work 30 mins early because of this whole ordeal.. I still feel really stupid.. I didn't mean to & I knew what I was supposed to do, but I did the complete opposite. >.< If the managers weren't so understanding, I would have lost my job tonight. >.<
Otherwise, I'm sitting here pissed off at myself trying to feel better by typing this up.
college is doing alright.. I'm not failing, but I am kinda struggling. Ah well. I'll get over it. Curtis & I have been together for 16 months ^.^ Almost 1.5 year(s) ^.^ I love him dearly.. & He works at the Best Buy in Olympia, in the mall. So-far, he likes his job. Hopefully they keep him after the holiday rush. He needs the money.I'll be taking Psychology 100 (general psych), Writting 102 (pretty much a debate class) & Math 108 (Quantitative or someting)... next quarter for school. I need to make sure I have all of my fanancial stuff in soon...
I'm not scared of my male co-workers as of tonight. They were the most calming (besides Jamaca, Kathy [Danny's mom] and the other consessions worker female) people I talked to. Everyone else was too busy freaking out more than I was to care. Big Man Manager (Head Honcho) better freaking say thanks to the other workers. All of us on the floor had to deal with the people, he didn't. He just came in to make sure we were getting theaters cleaned for the last set. Stupid guy, I don't like him.
Hopefully this helps a little.. I still want to punch a wall...