permissions/stats meme.

Jun 27, 2008 19:47


Age: 29
Height: 168 cm
Medical Info: Healthy! Was patched up recently after the Asian Branch was invaded, whup.
Eyes: ... bl ... ue? Anime says blue-ish, so. Why not!
Hair: Blond
Physical traits: KIND OF SHORT compared to the people he's around. Wears a hat. Probably gets BEATEN frequently, thanks a lot Fou.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'd prefer it if spoilers from the recent chapters were avoided! Ditto the whole "fictional" thing.

Abilities: Extremely intelligent and capable of controlling the headquarters of the Asian Branch. ... which involves Fou and uh, the mun and I will need to talk and figure something out re: that later. WATCH THIS SPACE.

Notes for the Psychics: 8D

... in other words, on a more serious note, ask because it really varies with Bak from time to time. It's safe to say that what he says isn't always what he's actually feeling.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask!

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: If you ... want? Blanket permission if you're Rinali! 8D

Maim/Murder/Death: I'd rather avoid this! Aaaand no death, please.

Cooking: ... lol no.
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