having just spent the weekend with my adorable niece I can say that no matter how much you love children in general and your own sweet child specifically, having to take care of a little one is EXHAUSTING and feeling exhausted and feeling depressed go together like a horse and carriage. my sister is a great mom with a ton of stamina and a husband who's home a lot and our dad living with her and she was still "for the love of god, can someone please watch the baby" on a pretty frequent basis. even I, who certainly have WAY less responsibility than an actual parent (but do a LOT of kid-watching when I'm there) felt sorta depressed and exhausted after several days of watching the wee one starting early, early and going til night. You can't do much else and all I wanted to do was read and watch TV AND snuggle w/ the kid. I don't know how people with kids do ANYTHING AT ALL! I salute you for all that you did this weekend but I also salute you for the last three years because even if you did nothing but raise your kid that would still have been a phenomenal amount of work. I know it seems silly and obvious to state it but the fact that you've been doing that and going to work just amazes people like me who do plan to have kids but wonder how i'll handle it when just getting to work and managing my one person household feels exhausting at times. Mad props to you!
Thank you so much. What a great way to start an otherwise crappy post-Labor day week.
I'm usually a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other kind of girl, but sometimes I forget that soldiering on isn't always necessary or healthy. And for a while, it was damn near impossible.
I'd go truly insane if I was at home with a child all day every day. I don't think I have the resources to cope with that scenario at all.
I'm usually a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other kind of girl, but sometimes I forget that soldiering on isn't always necessary or healthy. And for a while, it was damn near impossible.
I'd go truly insane if I was at home with a child all day every day. I don't think I have the resources to cope with that scenario at all.
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