I've used that title twice now... *shrug* It fits. New post at
Damp Little Island, yo.
Sorry for my little tirade the other day. I guess I'm just feeling a bit too adrift of everyone at the moment. It was a little bit of homesickness leaking out. I try not to let it happen much, because, frankly, I love it here and I never ever ever want to leave. I just wish you all could be here, too.
And I think I'm also a little jealous of Angela. I write something that I think will be thought-provoking and interesting, and I get the metaphorical cricket chirps. Angela can write about waking up to a cat's ass every morning and get mad commentage. That's it... I need a cat. Too bad I'm allergic to them...
Aaaaaaaaaaanyway.. I'm tired, and I'm rambling, and I'm being a bit snotty, and for that I apologise. I'm tired for a very good reason... We went job-hunting today. We were sprinkling CVs around like mad people, and hopefully we'll manage to get something out of it. Anything to get the Darwins flowing into our account. It's all about the Darwins, baby.
(Seriously--Charles Darwin is on the £10 note. How cool is that?)