So Jess and I had a fun discussion as we were enjoying our dinner at our local Pizza Hut...
It was prompted by the music they were playing. It was a nice, poppy mix, not too obnoxious--Natasha Bedingfield, Kelly Clarkson, Scissor Sisters, that sort of stuff. And we were having a nice time, talking about the job fair we'd been to that day, and the strong job leads we took away from it, when, all of a sudden, Paris Hilton's "song" came on.
This of course, caused immediate eye-rolling from me, which prompted an "I know; calm down" look from Jess.
"This is the country that gave the world the Beatles, the Who, the Rolling Stones," she began. "But this is also the country that gave us
Welsh rappers, so I don't want to hear it." (No, she wasn't defending Paris. Far from it.)
"True," I said, "But at least even Goldie Lookin' Chain had to work at it. They didn't just go to a producer, throw over a wad of cash and say, 'I wanna sing!'."
And that is where we really agreed. Jess summed it up well, and if it loses something in the way I retell it, the I apologise. Her main problem with this whole "Paris Hilton music career" shambles is the fact that she's not doing anything to back it up. She's not going out on tour or anything. She just made the album, and that's it. Other musicians actually do work--they write music, spend hours crafting it in the studio, and take it out on the road and pour it out to their fans at gig after gig, and then do it all over again. They sweat. Paris would not stoop so low as to perform for the people who threw away their cash on what is, in essense, high-dollar vanity publishing. She won't sweat for them. Sweat is not hot.
Pardon me while I retreat ino the safety of the Ramones...