Okay, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but before I do I don't want to hear any of that "Oh, if you need to talk you can call me" shit because I am not not looking for a shoulder on which to cry or sympathy. If you really want to help you can let me know of any programs available of which you happen to be aware
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I've been on the phone and internet all day trying to find something out for you. No luck. Maybe you should try to find a job that will give you more hours so you will qualify for insurance.
Or maybe you should try and find a cheap plan with a somewhat reasonable deductable. They make payment arrangements for meeting your deductable. I qualified for assistance on my deductable. They will pay 40% and I can make payments every month on it. In the meantime, I can still go to the doctor and get these damn tests done that I need done.
Call around to insurance places and get quotes. I'll even call mine for you.(Farmer's, it's my car insurance, but I'm almost positive they have medical also)They have worked with me soooo much on my insurance.
Don't you get anything from the VA because of your father? I forgot what you told me.
And I've told you before, I will help out any way I can financially. I don't make much, but I can give you what I can.
I won't let you sit there and not go to the doctor, because you don't have insurance. This is serious. It may be small now, but it can grow very quickly. I've been through this with my uncle. And I will not let someone else I love and care about have to go through what he did. It may turn out to be nothing, but you can't take that chance. You need to get it looked at.
My prescription costs almost $70 per month as it is, so I might as well spend the extra $10 and get insurance. The company provides coverage for self employed people and such, which I guess is why they are so accomodating.
The VA provides worthless care. And they won't do anything for me because I am too old and my father wasn't 100% service disabled. Disregard the fact that he died of an overdose of the prescribed medications taken at the prescribed dosages one of their doctors ordered him to take. That doesn't matter to them.
I care about you and I'm worried. I just don't want to see anything bad happen to you.
I'm sorry for getting pissy earlier. It just felt like you didn't appreciate that I was trying to help. But I know you do appreciate it. You're going thru a rough time right now, you have plenty of reason to be upset. I hope you except my apology.
P.S. You can do what you said you wanted to do in your text from last night.
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