Oct 24, 2005 23:51
After years of deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that there are only two songs that always have, still do, and always will make me want to cry: The Cranberries, Linger and Bryan Adams, Please Forgive Me.
There are also two songs that make me want to die just to see what bliss might exist in the theoretical astral planes of which we are not divine enough to behold: Tool, Pushit and Faith No More, Just a Man.
We (Buttlord, Funky, Bk, and myself, the only one without a nickname) bowled tonight and everybody one a game. I placed second in the second and third games by one pin each, yet I dominated on the last game (of which I was victorious, of course). You can congratulate me at your earliest convenience. And if you are thinking of buying me a gift, I still like pie.
There is nothing I hate more than being called "egotistical". Why is it, pray tell, when I conduct myself in a self depricating fashion, my usual fashion, and say how unhappy, how overweight, how insufficient, unintelligent, and generally of less talent or worth than the next guy, everybody says, "Oh shutup, you know that's not true! You are gorgeous, the smartest guy I know, the best guitar player, have the biggest cock, etc." (...I'm not gonna lie, nobody ever said I had the biggest cock, but you probably already knew that. Work with me here, people...), but then when someone wants to attack me the first thing they do is say I am "full of myself and egotistical"? I've got news for all of you people, and it isn't something I haven't said before: I am just as scared and full of self doubt as the rest of you. If you don't believe me, then fuck off; you aren't my friend if you don't listen to or believe me when I spill my fears out to you. I am not by any means egotistical, no matter what you or your friends think and tell yourselves or other people. Get a fucking hobby, why not whittling? Or alchemy? Or anything that doesn't involve going out of your way to hurt me?
Actually, the more I think about it, the more it makes me think that those who want to put me or anyone down are the ones who are egotistical, because they think their feelings are more important than those belonging to others. I retract my previous paragraph...
Somebody told me the other day (and a few months ago) that "a lot of (my) friends are worried about (me)". If you are worried about me, not that I think anyone is, stop. Nobody has a reason to be worried about me. I am doing great: I'm losing weight, have new tires on my car, and wrestling is on. If any of you were ever worried about me, you would have said something between now and the first time I heard the rumor, which was May. But I'm just an egoist whose whole reality is distorted by logic and rational thought, WTF do I know?