Sufjan Stevens Hates His Music

May 19, 2006 03:05

Obscenely Popular Music Review Site: Were there any plans to tour behind the material on The Avalanche?

Sufjan: I don't think so. I don't think it's worth touring. There's one song...

Obscenely Popular Music Review Site: You sound really, really excited about this record.

Sufjan: [Laughing] I'm excited about it, but from a technical point of view. I like some of the songs. I think there's one song I would play live, which is "The Mistress Witch From McClure". But it just sounds like another song I wrote. I need to be less deprecating; I should be more promotional.

Obscenely Popular Music Review Site: You say "these songs sound like songs I wrote," as if that's a surprise to you. Are you getting tired of your sound?

Sufjan: Yes. I'm getting tired of my voice. I'm getting tired of...the banjo. I'm getting tired of...the trumpet.

Poor Sufjan. He better not stress out and kill himself, because God will hate him.
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