Free TV

Jun 28, 2005 19:07

Hi all. A great big cowbell to cure all your fevers!

Anyhow, i'm moving this weekend and it appears that I have missed the "bulk pickup" day for trash this month. I have a 27" console TV (read: it's a very large box needlessly wrapped around the TV) to give away. It's big, it's heavy, and I don't want to move it since I have a new TV now. I also don't want to leave it sit out at the end of the driveway for 2 weeks until bulk day comes again.

So the TV works fine, but for some odd reason I think the green color is a little strong on the overall picture, but i'm sure you can probably mess with the levels a bit and get it to even out. I only used it for about 4 months as it was given to me by a friend... who also didn't want to move it. lol

So if anyone is interested, it's FREE. You just have to come and get it. It's cable-ready and has standard a/v outputs but no S-video or component stuff.

I suppose the first person to respond can have it. Remember, it's BIG. Like 2-people-to-carry-it big... having access to a truck or station wagon would help. I suppose one might fit it into an SUV as well. It's too bulky even for almost any sedan.

You could also just come and pick it up for no other reason than to take it somewhere and blow it up on the 4th of July. Destorying TVs to celebrate our country's independence. :-)
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