(no subject)

Mar 27, 2011 11:56

I have a monster demon cat. She is the devil, bad behaviour incarnate, a cute little ball of fuzzy fury, and she only likes me.

Unfortunately, my little raving bitch of a kitty's front claws are getting long enough that I'm worried about them puncturing her toe pads, but I am incapable of doing it myself (I still have scars from the last time I tried two years ago). I'd take her to PetCo, but most groomers including them will only work with sweet little angels.

Do any of you know of a groomer near Shadyside (she hyperventilates if she's in a car for more than a few minutes) that'll work with an adorable hellion bent on devouring their eyeballs and tearing out their spleen?


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via ljapp

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