Feb 01, 2011 20:24
Dear Sixburgh, I once again seek your kind advice. Last time this crazy football thing happened, my wife and I decided to head down to Carson Street to experience the madness in it's pure native form. We were not disappointed. We ate well, enjoyed hilarious and entertaining company, and found the atmosphere outside on the streets afterwards to be sort of a unique, wonderful Y'inzer Madis Gras. However as transplants, we're hardly "pros" at this whole thing. When we were all done last time, we walked across the Birmingham Bridge and caught a bus back to Oakland where we live.
This year, I was wondering if I could do something a little more well-planned. Does anyone know exactly where on the South Side the road closures end? For example, if one left their car parked at the South Side Works earlier in the day, could one drive home across the Hot Metal after festivities conclude? From most points within that complex, you can get to the bridge without actually using Carson Street itself. However I don't know if any of the cross streets are shut down too, or when they start to open back up.
Is this feasible? Should we just stuck to hiking and PAT again as the best plan? What do the experts say?
places: oakland,
people watching,
pgh culture,
sports: steelers,
entertainment: bars,
places: south side,
transportation: parking