Pitt Library School

Sep 18, 2010 10:53

Hello all! I was just accepted into Pitt's Library School, and now I'm trying to decide on if I should go to school full-time (which would be 12 credits/4 classes) or half-time (6 credits/2 classes). I work full-time (in a Library! So I would be able to do school work in my downtime and if my other work is completed). I will be going through the Reference specialization.

Surprisingly, the difference in the cost is only about a $1,000 between 12 credits and 6 credits. I could also take 9 credits/3 classes and still be considered full time, but I would not like to do that because it is the most expensive way to get the degree. If I go part time, getting the degree will take about three semesters longer.

I've heard that the program emphasises group work, and I'm worried about meeting with people when I'm working full time and going to class full time.

So, if you went through the MLIS program, my questions are -
How often did you have to meet with a group?
How easy/difficult was it to meet with your group members?
Did you also work while getting your degree, and how easy/difficult was that?
Were you satisfied with the level of course work you turned in, as in, you felt that you turned in good work?

Also, if there are any general tips or FYIs you can give me about grad school, I would really, really appreciate them. Thank you!

x-posted to pittkiddies, sorry if you see this twice!


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