Attention Aspiring Screenwriters:

Apr 20, 2010 18:44

Log line: "The instructor of a script development course takes his creatively driven students under his wing, as they embark on the journey of a lifetime, leading them to discover and accept their true inner-selves."

A twelve-week course in Script Development will begin, this summer (May 11 - August 3), at Pittsburgh Filmmakers []. The courses will be on Tuesdays from 6:00-9:15.

"Geared for those who have an understanding of basic screenwriting principles, this class helps students develop an original idea into a full treatment. Weekly discussions and assignments focus on creating the plot, sub plots, character biographies and back story. Other elements examined extensively in this class are the scene, sequences and the setting of the story. Students are required to complete a 5 page scene-by-scene treatment of their original work. Considerable outside work is required. Grading is based on weekly assignments, the quality of the written treatment and class participation."

The Instructor: Jeff Monahan [ ] - a professional actor, writer, producer, director, and President of 72nd St. Films LLC.

As a previous student of his, I can say with great credence that Jeff Monahan is an amazingly effective, knowledgeable and illuminating instructor. Even on day one of his course in acting, I was in awe of his knowledge of not just acting but so many other aspects of the film industry.

Jeff Monahan has a unique way of teaching that makes the information and exercises more fun than "work". While the assignments often require thought and effort, on the part of the student, it's far from agonizing or dull, as some other courses can be.

Monahan makes you look at yourself and your work in a new light and before you realize it, the artist within you is showing through; growing and evolving into an even more enlightened being!

This is an opportunity you don't want to miss! I can assure you, you will learn plenty of valuable information that will stay with you for years and assist in your journey of breaking into the business.

Course Information:

Registration Information:

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