Ad Space for Sale

Sep 30, 2009 11:00

My choir, the Bloomfield Liedertafel singing society, is the oldest existent cultural organization in Pittsburgh. In fact, this year is our 125th anniversary. We're having delegates from German singing societies all over the country visit our city for special events, and are performing in several concerts for members of the club and the delegates and the community at large.

Yours truly... is in charge of advertising. All of it. Which includes selling ad space in our program. We have ads available in the following sizes/prices:

Full Page - $125
Half Page - $75
Quarter Page - $45
Eighth Page - $25
Sponsor List - $5
Donor List - $2

If you have a business that would like some inexpensive advertising in a highly-read program book that will be preserved for a century or more from now (we still have copies of the program from our 25th anniversary), or if you just like having your name written down in random places for posterity, please email me ASAP at sleepsong at so I can send you an order form. I need all order forms returned to me no later than next Friday (October 9).

(Ads do not have to be for businesses - you can also buy space for appropriate messages, such as "Good luck, Alisa! Sing your heart out!" and "The Smith Schmidt family supports Pittsburgh's cultural heritage organizations!" I'll send samples out along with order forms to anyone who's interested.)

Proceeds go toward covering the costs of the anniversary events, and toward the choir's savings account for music license purchases, transportation funds, uniform items, etc.

Thank you so much!


On a related note, where other than the post office can I buy stamps? I really need a couple of books worth, but I flat-out do not have time to go during business hours in the next couple of days.

donations, pgh culture, places: bloomfield, entertainment: music

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