Got surplus/wild produce?

Aug 25, 2008 18:56

Just wanted to post a quick reminder that my previous offer still stands.

Basically- if you should find yourself with a surplus of garden produce (berries, peaches, apples, pears, plums, beans, tomatoes, onions, garlic, etc), I'd love to come gather them up to put into jars in various forms. It's harvest season, and I know that often we inherit food-bearing plants which we cannot utilize to their full potential, or we simply end up with more than we can use, so I'd love to know if any of you have unsprayed trees/bushes on your property that I can pick from. I'll trade your unattractive or critter-nibbled fruit (I'll be cutting up and inspecting everything for buggies before cooking) for jars of honest-to-goodness grandma-style preserves.

I will amend my previous post to say that jars are slightly less of a need at the moment, though I will always accept the 4oz "shorty" jars.

lawn care and gardening, food, donations, charity, food: groceries

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