It's been about six years ago, but while I was living in Brooklyn NY I signed up with a different power company, one that basically bought units of electricity and resold them to consumers at a price lower than our monolithic power company, Con Edison. However, it soon became clear that Con Edison was not out the picture because I continued receiving bills from them for periods that I thought were supposed to be covered by my new power company, even getting to the point of receiving a disconnect notice for "non-payment." Whoops! The deal was that Con Edison owned the power lines and all other hardware necessary for delivering electricity to one's residence. They billed the alternative energy companies, and if the alternative energy companies were not passing onto them "x" dollars received from various accounts in a timely manner, Con Ed felt compelled to go ahead and bill those accounts, themselves. I got out of my contract with the new company because the headaches were not worth the few cents I was saving, and it turned out I was not alone in this double billing predicament. So, in other words, read the fine print and do some Googling into how the companies you're considering are, and are not connected to Duquesne Light.
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