Mar 02, 2007 23:07
I am quite broke, but gosh-golly-gee, I really, semi-urgently need a haircut. I'm looking for someone to cut it in their home or mine, for free or extremely close to free, like maybe we could barter or something. Anyone out there who owns haircutting scissors and has the ability to cut straight hair in a simple, straight line. That's all I'm looking for-- because this is getting ridiculous and unmanageable and looks like crap. It gets tangled in my armpits while showering, stuck in car doors and in the armrest of the couch, even and tangles me up while sleeping. It's not even thick hair-- it's just long. It would take less than 5 minutes. If I wasn't job hunting, I would hand my boyfriend a pair of household scissors and make him trim it.
Any wanna-be hairdressers out there?
beauty: hair