(no subject)

Jul 14, 2003 20:56

::he shifted in his seat in front of the computer. a dim light barely casting a glow around the room. had he wanted to, he could've chosen the brighter of the two lights, the one fixtured on the ceiling instead of this little table stand one. but he wasn't sure he wanted to::

Wow...I haven't even been here longer than...a few days..and I've already made note of 2 EX's...::blinks:: how fucking awkward is that. First things first we can address who these women are, if you haven't already figured it out you nosy bastards ::grins with a wink:: first of all there's my most recent of ex's..Jennifer. She's someone I've been with for quite sometime...and who's feelings and thoughts are fresh in my mind. The reason of our seperation was for the pure fact we didn't have enough time for each other. Why be in a relationship with someone who's never there, the very idea is foolish, so we chose seperate paths. which brings us to ex number two...Paltrow...there's a bunch of rumors roaming around why things didn't work out between us, there's even more speculation as to my current status with her. Plain and simple there is no status...She's not someone I choose to discuss, infact often avoid the topic, so I figure we get this out of the way now, yes I was with her...no I'm not with her anymore..why did we break up? its none of your goddamn business and if you don't like it then tough shit. Perhaps she'll tell you but I respect privacy and its priveleges and will keep quiet.

EDIT: If I seem like an ass, I apologize but that's just me...
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