one day!!!

Mar 08, 2006 11:29

well im at school. on wednesday.

ive been working long hours at work. well ..not too long ,but long enough. plus ive work three days in a row...which is a record for me. i also remembered why i never worked three days in a row too. i dont like that job. time to get another..

tomrrow is a day im excited for. yes indeed.

hmmm..lets see... i work till 9 again today then im done with work until saturday maybe. and plus i get to see amy alot which is a very good thing.

i have another hour and a half to waste now. i dont know what to do. i already went on bad i dont have my homework sheet so i can do my homework. oh well.

and i really need a hair cut again. hair is getting long and i dont want it to get long again. time for a trim.

does anyone want to go on a trip over summer for a few days with me?

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