LJS100 challenge #086-Dear Diary

Apr 20, 2007 22:27

Title: The Last Day of Summer
Fandom: LJS: NW
Spoilers: NW:SV
ljs100 challenge: #086-Dear Diary
Disclaimers: Characters belong to LJS; the drabble is mine. The title comes from a song by The Cure, which is my Poppy song.

Dear Diary-

I'm going to die tomorrow. It feels weird, writing that. It's even weirder reading it. I mean, I'm not one of those oh-my-Goth! girls who wears all black and glooms all over the place; until my diagnosis, I hadn't even thought about death since our tabby died when I was little. It's not something I ever imagined putting on my calendar. I always thought it would be good to know when you were going to die: it would allow you to get things done, to say goodbyes. It's not. It makes me want to puke, and considering that I've really had to eat in the past few hours is ice cream and, well, blood, that wouldn't be a good thing.

So, yeah. Dying tomorrow. Maybe it's morbid, but I put living in for Monday. Just so I don't forget.


ljs06: night world, ljs: nw01-secret vampire, ljs-ljs100, l.j. smith

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