May 28, 2008 21:37
redcross way is a road just between marshalsea road and southwark street and there would have been nothing significant about its location if it wasn't for the winchester geese.
many centuries ago, the bishop of winchester granted 'liberty of the clink' to the prostitutes of southwark as they were fulfilling an important role in the society, keeping many a married/single or ordained man happy. of course, as these women were
a) women;
b) single; and
c) poor
they could not possibly be buried in the same place as godfearing etc people so instead they were buried in the crossbones graveyard. in redcross way.
and the legacy of dumping more nameless paupers there continued through the centuries.
till one day the big business of developing and buying and selling and building underground extensions promised to change all that. through and over and under the bones of dead people.
and i cannot help being cynical as they're most certainly not doing it for the love of the living.