
Apr 01, 2008 00:09

I spent two afternoons with anjeune in London when I lived there. She was visiting and wanted to meet some locals - I was the best thing London could offer on such a short notice. We walked all the way from Waterloo to Baker Street and had a lovely time togheter. She asked to see Snape's Pub and we drank coctails there with rosie_red73. We didn't know each other very well before then, even though we'd been on each other's flists for ages, but she turned out to be the sweetest, loveliest fandomer you might wish to meet. I was referring to her to my husband only yesterday.

I always meant to comment more on her journal, always meant to email her some pictures from those two afternoons, always meant to stay more in touch. Her passing is such a loss. My deepest condolences to those who will miss her.
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