May, 1

May 01, 2008 15:12

Huh! I'm at work today...
I've heard that they have holydays in Russia today. mmmm... So great! I'd like to have a work out day at the May,1)))
I've found something about it:
May 1, Labor Day. This holiday was invented in the Soviet Union and was known as International Workers’ Solidarity Day. In the Soviet times it used to be a great celebrations with parades and public meetings. Nowadays Russian communists also have public meetings on this day, but it is more out of habit. And there are really few communists left. They try to use this chance to play on people's feelings, they want to restore the old Soviet era, nobody listens to them any more. People look forward for this holiday to come to get the anticipated days off. The weather is usually quite good on the 1st of May, so families and friends get together and go to the country where they have a grand picnic. They usually cook meat on the open fire on this day (the dish is called shashlyk and is marvellous!). A lot of families go to their dachas. A dacha is a real estate lot which is a summer house and a tiny piece of land (usually less than 1/10 acre). The houses are usually withous modern conveniences - there may be no water, or gas, or bathroom facilitiesin the house. People use the land to grow vegetables and fruit, and also flowers. It is hard but pleasant to work while in a datcha. As early May is planting season in most of Russia, May 1st with its long weekend is just the right time to go to dacha and plant this year's crop.


internet, holidays, mood

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