Dec 29, 2006 21:51
Ok, so I'm not going to post a -total- review on 2006. Because I dont feel like typing THAT much right now -laugh-
But we'll do a little bit.
Lets just say, I've done alot, screwed up alot, learned alot and grown alot.
Do I regret anything from this past year? Hell Yes I do. Would I change any of it if I could go back? Hell Yes I would. But ya know what? Tood Damn bad. Its done, so I'll just chalk it up and move on.
Because the fact is, I cant change it, and because of everything I've gone through, its got me to the point I am at today. I've had years where I thought I went through alot of shit, I thought I learned -so- many things. But in all honesty, this has been the most trying year of my life.
I had alot of firsts, relationshipwise, schoolwise, jobwise, homewise.
I moved out...BIG first, thought I was all big and cool then. *CRASH* yes, I was CERTAIN it wouldnt fall back on me..but like it does to every over-confident happend to me. I learned I'm not a bigshot and I cant handle life by myself..and..well..alot
I lost friends..I made friends..I regret words, and unspoken words. I regret breaking friendships, even though deep down in my self pity I dont feel at fault.
And I've learned some things you just have to do for wont get done..and no one is going to be there to hold your hand for EVERY moment, even when you want them to be. Its life, its your life and its only what you make of it...I know we've heard it a million times but its so freakin true.
There've been a handfull of people this year who've helped me through alot. Im not in the mood to get all sentimental tonight..well, right now. But the people who have helped me the most have been the ones, not that were there to feel pity for me, or give me the extra hand when I needed it. (Though I appreciate that just as much, dont get me wrong!)
But they've been the ones who told me to buck up, grow up and figure life out for myself. I'm not 12 anymore (even though I look it, somedays~!)
Point being..I dont want to dwell on 2006. I dont want to review it, and write it off as another year in my life where this and this and this was done and I learned this and did this.
What I want to do, is say goodbye to 2006 and all the shit that came with it. No reliving what's been lived. Its done, deal with it. Its time for a new year, full of promises, and I'm sure a thousand more screwups. But I'm ready to move on, buck up and just do what needs to be done.
Thank you everyone for another year in my life.
And here's to a new year full of mistakes and obstacles!
I'm ready ...I think.
Katie Jo