This week in Viperland

Sep 12, 2007 17:34

My favorite hot driver, Dario Franchitti (half Scots, half Italian - Mr. Viper calls him Haggis Parmesan) won the Indycar championship.  Go, Dario!  He's a verra sexah thang.  He's also married to Ashley Judd, dammit.

Work has gotten seriously weird, and I have queues of people outside my office wanting to talk to me, and get calls from my favorite product manager, who looks like John Belushi's even nerdier than Jim little brother and we giggle about the insanity of it all and then I get into crazed conversations with other designers about control info codes and smartlinking and OMG! how the fucking fuck do you deal with links to an outside vendor site and then we all go have Thai (my favorite? Ga Prao Gai).  And we make obscene cataloger jokes with likeminded developers.

My favorite work incident of the week?  Someone put a Guinness logo watermark on a spec.

I am tired of any and all 9/11 stuff.  I build my little personal altar to the people I knew and that's that.

My car was up for its 50,000 mile tuneup.  It had not been washed all summer and was dirt-encrusted.  At the Audi service place, they always give it a good wash when you take it in.  Now it drives like a dream and is all shiny and stuff.  And when it is shiny, the gloriousness of the design comes out.  There is something to say about starting every day with a pure aesthetic thrill, and now mine includes the outside as well as the inside of the car.  Heh.  Until now I was like "meh" until I'd get into the car and be "whoa - pure beauty and pure function UNITE!"  But now I get that when I walk out of the house and look at the thing  I get at least another whole minute of beauty joy per day.

All of my fall/winter shoes are about four years old and falling apart.  You know what that means.

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