Title: Fight For Felines Fandom: B.A.P Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Daehyun/Jongup Rating: PG Wordcount: ~5k Summary: Daehyun works at a cat café and bullies Jongup into repaying his debt with human labor. AU.
DAEJONG AND CATS AND?????? CATS????????????????????
im going to add Visiting A Cat Cafe to my list of lifelong goals because, even though im a dog person (jongup person?? even though daehyun biased???), the idea of just being able to hang out with a bunch of cool cats sounds really awesome to me tbqh. also daehyun is so cute with that kitty help :(
Daehyun is just like a cat, backing away when Jongup shows him too much affection, running off to be by himself when he’s confused, and pretending that he doesn’t care. wails softly into my hands also i enjoyed how the cats were bap i enjoyed the dance I ESPECIALLY ENJOYED HYOSUNG and her embarrassing daehyun and daehyun was my favorite but jongup is pretty awesome too!? and how adorably jongup got to know both the cats and daehyun (and daehyuns singing aaaaaaaaa) (Daehyun smells like rain and uncertainty: things that Jongup used to hate but now finds exciting. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA) i actually dont ship daejong my only secure bap otp is just banghim but this! was! so! cute! ♥♥♥
Daehyun’s face is impossibly close that Jongup can see the water that drips from Daehyun’s hair and onto his cheeks. Daehyun just peers up at him, his eyelashes long under wet bangs. whimpers some more
AND ALSO He pauses upon finding messy scribbles and an empty page with I’M SO CONFUSED written in large handwriting. HE IS SUCH A KINDRED SPIRIT THIS IS ME
omg after seeing that photo, all I could think of was Daehyun and catttsss. IT HAD TO BE DONE. SOMEONE HAD TO WRITE A CAT!FIC u___u
lol you're a jongpup person. I can dig this. Poor boy is so confused all the time. And lol I actually don't ship anyone, but I thought it'd be fine to write my biases together. NEXT STOP: ZELO FIC?? I might have to camp out more under his tag before this. .... yes. For research purposes.
im going to add Visiting A Cat Cafe to my list of lifelong goals because, even though im a dog person (jongup person?? even though daehyun biased???), the idea of just being able to hang out with a bunch of cool cats sounds really awesome to me tbqh. also daehyun is so cute with that kitty help :(
Daehyun is just like a cat, backing away when Jongup shows him too much affection, running off to be by himself when he’s confused, and pretending that he doesn’t care.
wails softly into my hands
also i enjoyed how the cats were bap i enjoyed the dance I ESPECIALLY ENJOYED HYOSUNG and her embarrassing daehyun and daehyun was my favorite but jongup is pretty awesome too!? and how adorably jongup got to know both the cats and daehyun (and daehyuns singing aaaaaaaaa) (Daehyun smells like rain and uncertainty: things that Jongup used to hate but now finds exciting. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
i actually dont ship daejong my only secure bap otp is just banghim but this! was! so! cute! ♥♥♥
Daehyun’s face is impossibly close that Jongup can see the water that drips from Daehyun’s hair and onto his cheeks. Daehyun just peers up at him, his eyelashes long under wet bangs.
whimpers some more
He pauses upon finding messy scribbles and an empty page with I’M SO CONFUSED written in large handwriting.
lol you're a jongpup person. I can dig this. Poor boy is so confused all the time. And lol I actually don't ship anyone, but I thought it'd be fine to write my biases together. NEXT STOP: ZELO FIC?? I might have to camp out more under his tag before this. .... yes. For research purposes.
Ty for reading!
its always fine to ship biases together tbh, bias otps are excellent n___n!! and JUNHONG IS PRECIOUS i will excitedly anticipate your future bap fic!!
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