Title: Stranger in a Strange Land Fandom: EXO Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Chen centric Rating: G wordcount: ~ 4000 Summary: Jongdae thinks his bandmates have gotten even odder in China. Jongdae + EXO-M fic
THIS IS SO LOVELY!!! I love it whenever you write bandfic!! ♥ The set-up is so great, and you've really captured what Chen and Xiumin must mean to each other, as fellow misplaced Koreans in EXO-M/China. It's so unfortunate that both of them have been so limited by the language and cultural barriers. :(
I'M TOTALLY STARRY-EYED OVER ALL OF YOUR -M ANTICS. *__* Lu Han's mischievous streak! DUIZHANG'S BEAUTY REGIMENT. Swapping sweets as currency in a stairwell, ahhh, and I legit let out a sound of delight at the fake hawthorn story (tanghulu is one of my favorite street snacks, too).
Wu Fan, reading something at his desk, looks annoyed at the intrusion. He does, however, point to Lu Han’s bed at the other end of the room. Yixing is rolling under Lu Han’s covers, still clad in sweaty dance clothes. Lu Han yells something in Chinese and descends upon Yixing.
Minseok returns when Lu Han finally manages to tug Yixing off his bed. “Oh,” Minseok says when Yixing goes tumbling off, taking Lu Han’s sheets and bed cover with him. “It’s been awhile since I’ve witnessed this act of rebellion.”
I about cried with laughter at this part, omg. And I love the line Jongdae is trading the best years of his life to lip-sync to songs he doesn’t understand because it's so true and kind of tragic, but all he can do is have faith that everything ends up for the best, right? It must've been such a whirlwind for him - getting added to the line-up so late and immediately thrown into a foreign country, and I really enjoyed how you sort of walked us through all the steps. ♥
Oh wow I just realized that's Pi and Ryo in your icon!!
I always liked tanghulu with other fruits inside! CHINESE STREET SNACKS ARE THE BEST.
Also! I wasn't sure if I was pushing the xinglu bromance too much, but I'm glad it worked out! And yeahhh I took some creative liberties with Jongdae's back story. LET'S HOPE CANON DOESN'T CONTRACT ME TOO MUCH.
I'M TOTALLY STARRY-EYED OVER ALL OF YOUR -M ANTICS. *__* Lu Han's mischievous streak! DUIZHANG'S BEAUTY REGIMENT. Swapping sweets as currency in a stairwell, ahhh, and I legit let out a sound of delight at the fake hawthorn story (tanghulu is one of my favorite street snacks, too).
Wu Fan, reading something at his desk, looks annoyed at the intrusion. He does, however, point to Lu Han’s bed at the other end of the room. Yixing is rolling under Lu Han’s covers, still clad in sweaty dance clothes. Lu Han yells something in Chinese and descends upon Yixing.
Minseok returns when Lu Han finally manages to tug Yixing off his bed. “Oh,” Minseok says when Yixing goes tumbling off, taking Lu Han’s sheets and bed cover with him. “It’s been awhile since I’ve witnessed this act of rebellion.”
I about cried with laughter at this part, omg. And I love the line Jongdae is trading the best years of his life to lip-sync to songs he doesn’t understand because it's so true and kind of tragic, but all he can do is have faith that everything ends up for the best, right? It must've been such a whirlwind for him - getting added to the line-up so late and immediately thrown into a foreign country, and I really enjoyed how you sort of walked us through all the steps. ♥
I always liked tanghulu with other fruits inside! CHINESE STREET SNACKS ARE THE BEST.
Also! I wasn't sure if I was pushing the xinglu bromance too much, but I'm glad it worked out! And yeahhh I took some creative liberties with Jongdae's back story. LET'S HOPE CANON DOESN'T CONTRACT ME TOO MUCH.
Thanks for reading!
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