Title: Stranger in a Strange Land Fandom: EXO Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Chen centric Rating: G wordcount: ~ 4000 Summary: Jongdae thinks his bandmates have gotten even odder in China. Jongdae + EXO-M fic
I mean, I like him, he's cute and has an amazing voice and it's so adorable how him (and Xiu Min) try so hard to learn Chinese, but I just...I never thought I would read a 4000-word fic about him. UNTIL YOU WROTE ONE.
I. Love. This. It's sad how Jongdae struggles with Chinese and how he's trading the best years of his life to lip-sync to songs he doesn’t understand, but the other M members are so adorable. Minseok especially, ofc, but Yixing's such a sweetheart (the defending Jongdae part, be still my heart), Lu Han is adorably evil (I just knew he would be under that face), Zitao is like this kung fu panda that I want to squish (no connection to the movie), and Wu Fan is...just the perfect dui zhang, really. HIS GEISHA MASK AND CLAY THINGY - OH MY GOD, I DIED.
and as usual, your food references and little details about airports and Korean vs. Chinese and all those things that really bring the setting to life are perfect. whenever I read your fics, I feel like I'm getting a look into EXO's lives. and you write their lives so perfectly <3
So, I love this and I'm starting to love Chen (omg what's happening to me?!) and this is rather off-topic, but I can't wait for the update to Shades of Jade :D :D
btw, “We’re here,” Tao announces when security finishes checking Manager-hyung’s identification, effectively halting their conversation. I was just wondering - isn't it supposed to be "Zitao"?
PLEASE LOVE CHENGZI! He needs more stans and writers!
BEAUTY ISN'T EASY OKAY. RESPECT DUI ZHANG'S DEDICATION TO HIS COMPLEXION. And lol I'm starting to think you're only reading for the food references now!
Shades of Jade! Updates for that series will come a little slower, b/c collaboration is tough! That fic will probably span the entire summer.
I mean, I like him, he's cute and has an amazing voice and it's so adorable how him (and Xiu Min) try so hard to learn Chinese, but I just...I never thought I would read a 4000-word fic about him. UNTIL YOU WROTE ONE.
I. Love. This. It's sad how Jongdae struggles with Chinese and how he's trading the best years of his life to lip-sync to songs he doesn’t understand, but the other M members are so adorable. Minseok especially, ofc, but Yixing's such a sweetheart (the defending Jongdae part, be still my heart), Lu Han is adorably evil (I just knew he would be under that face), Zitao is like this kung fu panda that I want to squish (no connection to the movie), and Wu Fan is...just the perfect dui zhang, really. HIS GEISHA MASK AND CLAY THINGY - OH MY GOD, I DIED.
and as usual, your food references and little details about airports and Korean vs. Chinese and all those things that really bring the setting to life are perfect. whenever I read your fics, I feel like I'm getting a look into EXO's lives. and you write their lives so perfectly <3
So, I love this and I'm starting to love Chen (omg what's happening to me?!) and this is rather off-topic, but I can't wait for the update to Shades of Jade :D :D
btw, “We’re here,” Tao announces when security finishes checking Manager-hyung’s identification, effectively halting their conversation. I was just wondering - isn't it supposed to be "Zitao"?
BEAUTY ISN'T EASY OKAY. RESPECT DUI ZHANG'S DEDICATION TO HIS COMPLEXION. And lol I'm starting to think you're only reading for the food references now!
Shades of Jade! Updates for that series will come a little slower, b/c collaboration is tough! That fic will probably span the entire summer.
Ohhh fixing that part. Thanks for reading!
Kris' skin is really perfect though...maybe I should try his beauty secrets too :P
LOL. I'm reading because I ♥ your writing :)
it's going to be a good summer...
I bow down to thee for constantly creating genius like this, honestly. That OTP guide...♥.♥
~off to read more~
thank you for showing me that, btw :D I LIKE THAT KIND OF DYING.
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