Nov 18, 2008 16:27
Paper writing flurry commences! But it's all for the end of the semester, and it's good. I signed up for no - repeat, no - history classes for the upcoming semester. Both classes will be in political science.
I've always considered myself reasonably well-educated on our government's function, but have since found that belief dangerously unjustified. Like most of the knowledge accumulated thus far, it's not easy to say what practical use any of this information will serve, however, it can be said with utmost certainty it redefines how I see the world. More to the point, our Founding Fathers would be sickened at what we've done to the political landscape of this country. The nation they created died sometime last century, and yet we continue to march more steadily forward to solidify the creatiion of a society they hoped to forever escape. The only consolation to find anywhere is the realization an Obama presidency isn't as much a threat to this nation as the pundits would have us believe. What Conservatives stand for is already dead, what remains is the love of an Ideal. This is not to say a liberal agenda is beyond perpetrating more damage to our liberties and freedoms, as it most certainly will, but these liberties and freedoms we believe to exist are already illusionary. It's been said a person can't appreciate freedom without tasting oppression. Americans have lived with so much precious freedom for so long they cannot conceived of the damage oppression does to the soul. Today we are constantly dosed with oppression, but with indescernible bites to make it palatible - even desirable to some. However, a day will arrive, perhaps not so far into the future, when the bitter bile of tyrrany flavours everyday existence. I suspect it will be long after my generation fulfills it's purpose on earth before the enslaved citizenship responds to government shackles and is left with no choice but to resovle itself to willingly shed blood for the sweet price of freedom. Best of luck and courage to my great-grandchildren and generations beyond.
The Fall school pictures came out so typically school pictures. Although we had several poses to choose from, we returned all the proofs back to the school. (In one picture, Johnna looked like a chipmonk with cheeks stuffed with acorns.) Apparently, we weren't the only unhappy parental units, and the school was forced to bring on a new photography studio. They recently presented an opportunity for kids to pose with an on-site Santa (or not Santa, as desired). The proofs came home yesterday. The first pose is simply ghastly, somehow making Johnna look as fat as Santa himself, but the other is so adorable as to be precious! Later in the evening I find a second page of proofs, and there's even a better picture. Now we either have to purchase two sets, or decide between the two. If we were millionaires, it would be easy, but NO! At least this time there are options.
The Leonid meteor shower should be in full swing tonight. I may go out to peek for awhile, but with a half-moon, city lights and the overnight temperature hovering at a balmy 22 degrees, I don't expect to see much.
Notice to those (loved ones) looking for work: Marietta is gearing up to hire census workers at $12.00 an hour. It's a temporary job, lasting between 6 - 12 months, but it's food on the table. I might even be enticed enough to look into a position... nah, gots a business to grow. (Martin is going to kick my butt if I don't get real busy, real soon on this.)
It's so hard to believe the holidays are upon us. It wasn't until Tabby come over Sunday before I realized Thanksgiving wasn't an event "some time" out there in the future. Egads! And we haven't bought a single Christmas present for nobody, although there's a vague present list bouncing around this empty skull. I reckon it would be a good thing to put it to paper and get out to the stores before the teeming crowds become entirely insufferable. A mild hint to the affluent members of this family... something about half carot diamond earrings? LOL.
Time to put pen to paper (so to speak) as I'm warmed up and ready to write.