Sep 29, 2008 21:22
The media has fortunately picked up on Obama stomping all over people's 1st Amendment rights. I need not say this is not an issue of concern for the MSM, but word is spreading.
Total insanity rules the week. I have two papers due, one Thursday night, the other Friday morning. Looks as if sleep will be in short supply this week. I'm popping back in because my brain is about to explode after Phase I of paper writing: collected facts and properly footnoting them. Next: writing the silly papers.
Miss J came home today sprouting Latin. They covered many of the body parts and bones today. Johnna complained she didn't think her Latin teacher knew the words for eyelashes or eyebrows because she didn't teach them today. I suggested that perhaps the teacher thought she had covered enough in one day and that was why she didn't include the words. She sadly shakes her head and replies, "Nope, I just don't think she knows them." Kids are hilarious.
Mister Martin has an interview at a company he applied for many weeks ago. Since he sets his own hours in the job he has now, it won't be a problem. It would be a big BUMP in salary, plus benefits. After the first month at the current job, Martin now works from home. He's spoiled rotten. The potential job is less than 5 miles from the house, so even though he would have to "go" to work, it wouldn't be the 3 hour daily round trip. Regardless, more money AND benefits is something to jump at, if offered.
Atlanta got word today our gasoline crisis may not be resolved until the middle of October. It's so bad, professors are telling us we should pair up with a buddy so each can alternate coming in to take notes and sharing them with the other. Excused absences for classes where attendance is mandatory. The insanity has began with reports of guns being pulled out on those who cut in line and gas station owners having to swing crowbars around to get people to leave. I can only imagine this country with a nationalized energy program. *shudder*