American the Free

Aug 12, 2008 12:07

“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” - John Adams, letter to John Taylor, April 15, 1814

It goes almost without saying that should Obama actually put into place his idea of a national police force, "Just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" as our national military, that our country would become a police state overnight.

Well, in all fairness it would probably take a few months.

This is a frightening prospect.  Primarily because, should this come to pass, I can see a day very soon after where filming police violence against citizens would become illegal.  This would be a first major step in the suppression of free speech.  Who knows in which direction the federal government would go from there?

Some may say this is wild suppositions.  Perhaps so.  After all, look at the successes of the TSA.  We haven't suffered another major terrorists act involving jumbo planes flying into buildings since these outstanding personnel have taken control.  All this whining about humiliating public strip searches, women being forced to drink their own breast milk, handicapped elderly being forced out of wheelchairs, and baby's diapers being inspected, is embarrassing.  We should all be proud to have such a compassionate security force at our service.

Now that we have the Patriot Act, which incidentally is being used beyond the scope of it's stated powers, a federal police force is only natural.  Why bother with search warrarts?  Why habius corpus?  What's a little wire-tapping in the name of national security?  American citizens could be thinking of all sorts of ills to befall our country.  And everyone knows thinking always leads to action.  Arrest this malcontents before they can act, place them in year long re-education camps, and before you know it - American's are cleaning up their act.

I don't intend to imply we would become a nation of governmental snitches.  Nothing like the harsh days of Soviet Russia.  Right?  Not so fast.

Have you visited the website,  This is a program for children where they are encouraged to spy on parents and construct a "case" against their  "environmental" crimes.  Conveniently added are prepared lesson plans for teachers. Indoctrination at it's finest.  Teach them young and grow a generation comfortable with becoming governmental informers.

I contend Obama is a very dangerous man.  There is not a solitary good thing that can come out of a nationalized police force. Every case would be a federal case.  The court system we have now would have to be refashioned to accomodate the level of each crime committed, from a local issue to a federal issue.  For all the screaming from the left-based liberals concerning the Patriot Act, and rightly so, there is a resounding silence from the same corner about Obama's vocalization about making this nation a nation of government servants.  Do we honestly desire a socialized nation in the name of "security" ?  I can't reconsile myself to this.  Lincoln's Gettysburg Address "of the people, by the people, and for the people" seems so distant from all of us today.

I would rather live in a land where a bank could foreclose on my house if I couldn't meet my debts, rather than exist in a place where the government dictated what type of home they would provide for my family.  It also doesn't bother me that I should go without insurance, and find the means to pay for a doctor I choose, and not have to depend on the care of a government servant who is under-paid/staffed/funded and over-worked.  Freedom still means something to me.  And yes, that freedom includes failures and insecurities.

For every ill our nation suffers there are solutions.  But  the solutions we derive should be based on inginuity and creativity, never from adapting collective solutions, which by its nature, robs individual choice.

Lord, please come quickly to save us from ourselves.

america, politics, patriotism

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