Martin was still a little unconvinced about the school I had raved about for so long. Although not mentioned in the previous post, this particular school is one that excited me not long after Johnna came to live with us, but without child support the tuition was prohibitive
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Johnna is our granddaughter. We've come into her life only lately, and knowing what's best for her is always a challenge.
I do understand there are some good public schools out there - outside Georgia. The school she attended last year was one of those, but when they failed to address our concerns, based primarily on her classroom conduct, that was pretty much the last straw. All my sons (now grown) attended this same school district, creating a history reaching back into the 1980's. None of that history has been positive.
The system is much too large to consider individual student needs, although I realize federal law dictates they must. Even so, it often requires the parent to hire a team of independent professionals to fight for the child's interest, even for the most basic educational services (speech, writing, etc). In the past, I've spent thousands of dollars getting, and then keeping, one of my sons into a self-contained classroom. I've had to take the district to court for speech classes. And, I screamed and kicked my feet at the school board for a full school year to remove a principal who watched and encouraged this same son to bang his head on concrete blocks for almost half an hour, among other equally neglectful or harmful acts, without informing the concerned parents. (A teacher fortunately told me of the goings on with my son.) My efforts finally paid off, she was fired. But had I not been there every single day, she would probably be there still abusing children, and no kidding, physically attacking parents. There are hundreds of horror stories I could relate concerning this school system, then and now. It hasn't changed, instead growing much worse.
I have neither the time or energy to go this route again. We're blessed with the opportunity to afford a unique education experience to this otherwise very neglected child (a child, predictably, the school never bothered reporting in her two year's attendance to officials despite overwhelming evidence).
You probably got more than you wanted in this reply, but it's an issue so close to my heart. I'll stumble off the soapbox now.
Bless you guys for being such advocates for your loved ones, and bless you in your raising this darling granddaughter. I so hope that she has an excellent year, and I hope that you'll be able to continue to find wonderful schooling for her, throughout her growing years.
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