Free Time Project

Nov 07, 2005 18:24

I have come to a conclusion.

I have WAY too much free time on my hands. That right there is not a problem. What I do with my massive amounts of free time is a problem. And what I do with my massive amounts of free time is nothing. I waste it. That, my friends, is going to come to a halt...just as soon as I can figure out what the heck to fill the free time with. I've thought about it for a while and haven't come up with anything yet. But believe you me, when I do come up with something, it's going to be good. And I'm going to dedicate a large portion of my free time to completing whatever task it is that I decide on doing.

What I'm looking for, I think, is some sort of project. Something that I can work on for a little bit every night, getting closer and closer to a final goal. I want something that, upon completion, I can look back on and be proud. Now the hard part is finding that project. My original idea was to get into good physical shape. My goal was going to be to put on 15 pounds of muscle by spending a lot of time in the basement of Holden working out in the weight room. That project lasted no more than a couple of weeks. The problem with it was a.) that it was not enjoyable and b.) the results were too slow. I did not look forward to filling my free time with working up a sweat or going back to my room dead tired. Plus, every time I weighed myself I got different answers. There was no easy way to track my progress and it got frustrating. So rule that out.

Another idea that had some potential was to write a song for the piano. I enjoy playing the piano and could see myself sitting down for a while every night and writing a measure or two of awesome music. This idea originated in my Music Keyboarding class last year when I wrote four measures of amazing sounding piano music and got the idea that I would be able to write a song that I would love to play and listen to. But that idea too went out the window when I realized that a.) there are no good pianos anywhere near on campus and b.) I suck balls at writing music. But it was a good idea. It was the type of project that I was looking for, just it wasn't possible.

An idea that had me excited for a good amount of time was my idea to write a book. Hey, I like to write, so it made sense. But then once again, I realized that a.) I am not a good writer and b.) I have about as much creativity as a 2x4. Rule that one out, also.

All I want is something to break up the hours I spend every night doing nothing. And I think that if I can find that something good, not only will it break up the nothingness, but I can also get something good out of it. In theory, it's flawless. Now all I have to do is turn theory into practicality.
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