One Lucky Guy

Jun 20, 2006 00:09

Hmmm. Two and a half months. Let's see if I still remember how to do this...

My dad likes to remind me a lot that I'm living the life...I have it too easy...I'm a lucky guy. And come to think of it, there's a lot of truth to those cliches. Of course I don't have everything going my way, no one does, and there are still a lot of people who I would consider luckier than me, but I would definitely place myself pretty high on the Lucky List if there was one.

First off, and most generally, I'm lucky to be born into a family in the great US of A. I easily could have been born a number of other places...Ethiopia, China, Iraq...but I was fortunate that my pelican dropped me where he did. More specifically, I am fortunate to live in a pleasant and safe Farmington Hills, Michigan. Boring? Yes. But nonetheless, a lucky roll of the dice.

I have a fantastic family. I have parents who are still together, something underratedly lucky nowadays. I have two sisters that I get along with and can have fun with. I have the 9 time defending Best Dog in the World award winner in Spunky. What more could I ask for? Not much, but I've been given a lot more.

I have never spent a single day of my life thinking I needed to lose weight. I am lucky to have a metabolism that lets me eat what I want, when I want, without ever seeing the bathroom scale budge off of the 155 pound line. Now I'm not too sure what's going on inside my arteries, but from what I can see, my relatively poor eating habits have had no ill effects on my weight.

Another department that I have been pretty darn lucky is in intelligence. I'm no Einstein, that's for sure, and I don't personally think of myself as a terribly smart person, but I am lucky to have been given some strange ability to get good grades with minimal effort. I'm not a total slacker, but my punishment definitely doesn't fit my crime. College was supposed to be the place where my laziness caught up to me, and maybe it still will be, but so far I have gotten away with a lot. Pure luck, if you ask me.

Let's ramble off a few more. I have never been picked last for a game of basketball. I have never had to drive a car that was on the verge of breaking down. I have no trouble falling asleep at night. I have never had a close friend or relative pass away. And there's definitely more.

Naturally, there are still a lot of things that I don't have and wish I did. I wouldn't mind having a few more quality friends, a better golf game, and more cooperative hair. There's always the never ending search for that significant other (which apparently I don't have to worry too much about because someone once told me good things happen to people who wait, which is nice.) I wasn't lucky enough to be given any singing talent. I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. All of them things people around me have that I don't. Like I said, I'm not about to pull a Ben Folds and call myself The Luckiest, but taking into consideration everyone and everything, my dad was right. I'm living the life...or at least something darn close to it.

(How was that? A little rusty, wasn't it? Yeah, I thought so too. Even Tiger Woods can't win his first tournament back after two and a half months, so at least I'm in good company.)
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