Im busy to the max these days with my foot to the pedal working. Don't take it as a :-( if I have blown you off, just pester me more and I'll snap around. I made a legit myspace on and i don't know how long I'll have it up before I delete it. I've got this Adsense tip and idea that should make me a nice nest egg. Be prepared for my network of sites (yodel!)
When I was a kid Id get a posession and not give a shit about it. If I got a remote control car and it broke I wouldn't complain I'd just move on. My parental units always told me that one day when I bought my own posessions that they would hold a lot more value to me and I'd respect it. I don't find that true whatsoever. I always get the urge to just leave my house without selling it and starting over once again. Hell Ive started over a couple times with little posessions but not from scratch. If I can truely retire in a minute I'll be nearly complete. If it fails oh well I always got my brain which I appreciate and grind more than most.
"It's a long way to the top, but the fall is short" -STC, I kinda get a rush from the climb.