Dec 25, 2005 16:32
hey guys sorry I have not updated in awhile I been quite busy with things around the house and school and stuff. I'm happy that exams are now over! I thought that they were going to be harder than it actually was, but it was not that bad, I actually did pretty good. Well Christmas was good I got quite a lot of things which is I'm happy of course. Then yesterday I went to my aunt and uncles house for his birthday and just to do christmas with them and stuff. We had a party and that was pretty fun we did some uh...intesting things there. Then once we got home I just crashed and went to sleep. Then once my sister woke up me at 7:52 by jumping on me telling me that its time to open presents so then I got up and opended presents then after presents I took a shower and then took a nap then my grandma got here and I opended presents with her. I got PiStOnS tickets for christmas which I'm pretty excited about. Tomorrow (monday) Angel is comming over and my other grandparents and were doing christmas with them and Angel is staying the night at my house. Then on Friday were doing christmas with Mark, Janet, and Haylee. I'm not really sure what else I'm doing through out the week probably just hanggin out or doing something with Angel who knows yet. Well I can say I got quite the christmas money this year. Dan's parents gave me 200 dollars! so I was like Hell Yeah! I'm excited for the big ol christmas dinner that we have here. I cant wait. Yesterday I talked to quite a few people on the phone, but I cant really remember who though. I got a myspace now. It's pretty cool. But yeah I dont feel like typing on this anymore so I'm out I'll update in a week or so maybe! So all of you I hope have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *peace
~*~*MeRrY ChRiStMaS*~*~