I fucking can't stand this shit

Feb 16, 2005 17:37

Between "Are we there yet?" and "The Pacifier", it looks like everything's just going to hell. If it wasn't for the fact that hollywood likes to infect the public for periods of time with one constantly raped idea, causing painful and obnoxious rashes in the general groin area of intelligence, then it wouldn't be so fucking annoying. It's all about trends and whenever a trend pops up, there's only about 5 million people all going "HERETAKETHISITMAKESYOUCOOLFORTHENEXTFIVEMINUTES!!!!" every single day. Oh, and of course that line is followed by "OKTHATWILLBEFIFTYMILLIONDOLLARSSINCEIT'SCHIC".

Then there's the even worse music industry. OKHERE'SAVRILLAVIGNELOOKSHE'SDIFFERENTBELIKEHEROHHEYHERE'SASHLEYSIMPSONHERSISTERISHOTANDSTUPIDBUTASHLEY'SDOWNTOEARTHAND......blah blah blah. You know what you should be doing? Getting a life and finding your own identity instead of leasing.
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