It feels like I haven't written a post about my day in a while, so that's what today's will be. I know, you're all soooooo excited.
Before School: Alg. Tutoring
- Woke up, ate breakfast, went to school
- Went to tutoring. Tried finishing my homework (TAKS prep. 1 & 2, quest. 1-80) that I didn't do... I had SIX problems left, and she didn't count it. ATJL:GTUtatitjo ...
- Turns out (thanks Colton, you stupid fartface) that we have the juniors' TAKS prep, instead of the freshman. So what? I feel smart, 'cause I did kinda well. AND I SUCK AT ALGEBRA!! YEEEEEEES!!
First Period: Algebra
- Natalie and I were talking about how much we hate being politcally correct and people who are or demand others to be politically correct (gay people don't have "girl/boyfriends"... they have "SO"s or "partners" ...and it's not "housewife", it's "domestic engineer ... god dammit. GAY PEOPLE HAVE BOYFRIENDS OR GIRLFRIENDS and you're not a fucking ENGINEER, you're a HOUSEWIFE... You didn't go to fuckin' college to get a degree in DOMESTIC ENGINEERING, didja? NO. >:0)
- Heard some good news from Natalie. I'm happy for you. I know you'll make the right choice.
Second Period: Choir
- Acapella (I am too flippin' tired to care that I misspelled that) songs first part of period
- Mixed Girls' Choir (the sucky choir, IE Die Rosenger and the better freshman choir, ie Acapella) practice, except since it was Acapella choir's class period, it was just us... since Die Rosenger has their class 3rd period... yeah, it really pisses me off that the director had to talk to us about the song "The Swallow", and that part she gave her heart for company... Yeah, she had sex with him. Thanks for clearing that up and revealing that half of the class hasn't graduated from middle school and still giggles at the "s-word"... But she was telling us to stay virgins until we were married, and though I do respect people who reserve themselves for their husbands, I think that was way out of line for her to tell us that. Hey, Ms.-soon-to-be-Mrs. Kruse, some people don't have the same values and/or morals as you, okay? I know you were looking out for us and just trying to have a heart-to-heart, but that's not necessary, and you wasted a lot of time telling us that when we should have been practicing our music for our concert TOMORROW... Not that I minded, really, but come on... I'll make that decision myself, thankyouverymuchokaythanksbye.
Third Period: Journalism
- Mrs. A decided to let us have debates again
- Made up a name for our classroom news' thing... I can't remember what it was, but it was ... KRXQ2 or something. There's this guy Mike in that class and he's a junior and he's been paying attention to me recently. I like him; he's intelligent... and he's a Republican, but totally defends me (1 of the 3 only Democrats in that class) when the rest of the class bitches at me for having an opinion JUST LIKE THEM...
- Watch a dumb documentary of a small-town news station. James and I made fun of their anchors and reporters. One of the anchors (male) had red hair... but his eyebrows were so close to his eyes and they were so blond that they almost disappeared into his face! It was really weird!
Fourth Period: PETS
- Walked around the gym with Gracie because we didn't want to play basketball for the 3742084232840th time in a row
- Bounced the balls we were dribbling while walking on the Toss Back (trampoline type things, that are reaaaaaally bouncy and, uh, toss the balls back... duh... xD;;), and it hit me RIGHT IN THE OVARIES... ha ha ha... "That's a new feeling!!! >.<"
- Lissa didn't have my lunch today because of her stupid geometry TAKS... I had lunch with Katie and Gabby and Lacie and Chris and Taylor. It was fun. :o
- This didn't happen today, but yesterday at lunch I realized that CHRIS CUT HIS HAIR. Umm, nasty! He looks like a fish.. Ha ha. XD
Fifth Period: IPC
- Unicycles are fun when the guys you hate try to do it and destroy their chances of every having children... IN FRONT OF YOU. Ha ha. Ball-crusha.
- That guy (I can't remember his name now... I wonder why...) isn't so bad... =o
Sixth Period: English
- Romeo & Juliet discussion... I actually like this. :3 It's easier to take notes on, also, than the other stuff we had to read. Also, I don't like Shakespeare really, but he's like... wow, amazing... Almost every single line of poetry in R&J is an iambic pentameter... It's like, insane...
Seventh Period: World Geography
- Watched a movie about some countries in Africa... Wasn't that great, but Mr. H surprisingly didn't bitch when Emily & I talked...
- We were talking about how much we did not want to go to after-school rehearsal today, and we made this vomiting symbols with our hands (sticking our fingers down our throats you know?) and I started joking around, and started sticking it waaaaaay into my mouth, and she goes "I can stick it down farther than you!" and I couldn't stop laughing... Ha ha ha. XDDDD EMILY, YOU WHORE.
After School: Choir Rehearsal
- Sang. Big whoop.
- Josh is fucking hot.
I don't act mature online at all. I had to erase like, seven "LMAO"s in this post... Durg. -_-;;