I have a goal. A materialistic goal, but still a goal nonetheless. I am going to trade in my Camry and finance an all new customized Mini Cooper S sometime by the end of this year. They are so adorable and look like just the fit for me.
Today I have to go into work and I am not looking forward to it. I am so sick of Melinda's shit, we have a total personality clash. I find her to be annoying and she always tries to tell on me. Mind you, this bitch is somewhere in her 40's and has had no management experience. Except she thinks working for Xerox is the experience. People who work for Xerox work from their homes and all they do is drive around selling the machines. Sorry, hunny, that's not management experience at all. She is not Assistant material, but that's pretty typical of CVS. Hell we have a Photo Supervisor that used to be a cashier that ran photo only when no one else was able to. She knew how to develop pictures, but not how to maintain the equipment. Plus, she pissed me off when she referred to her employees as underlings. I should have called her on it right there, but the pseudo-photo DM was there and I didn't trusdt myself not to strangle the bitch. Just because you're in some form of msanagement doesn't mean you are better than your employees. What would you be without them? Absolutely nothing.