
Jun 18, 2007 21:21

I invited Steve into my home.
Steve is a plecostomus...
which is a sucker fish for those of you that are dumb like me.
I got Steve so he could be friends with Holden...
my turtle...
and eat his poop.
Steve was sick when I got him...
so I bought some medicine for him...
bringing my grand total up to $7.77.
I got home and put Steve in Holden's tank and put the medicine in the water.
I introduced Holden to Steve and he seemed ok with this new friend.
I called my family about 45 minutes later to tell them about Holden's new friend.
Just as I went to tell my sister...
the words were stolen from my mouth...
as half of Steve was stolen from his body.
Holden is an asshole.
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