WATCH THIS! Well, I know I have not updated my LJ recently, but I just didn't feel like I had anything important to write about. I'm just not one of those people who puts their shopping lists (today I bought broccoli, new bra that didn't fit me, dog food...and crap like that) here, thinking it would be interesting for other people to read.
I'm in Scotland now, have been for about..ehrm..I mean, I left on the 16th and got here on the morning of the 17th. There was a creepy Pakistani guy who tried to hit on me in the bus ( NO, I do not think all Pakistanis are creepy, and YES it was my own fault cause I sat next to him even though there were many available seats next to other, potentially freaky people), I left my coat at the Stirling bus station and it had disappeared when I got back to look for it, and the girl I was supposed to live with didn't answer the f door when I buzzed. Well, I did get in eventually, the flat was nice, but because G and A's landlord/estate owner had been arsy with repairing it, the small dehumidifier was not enough to keep it dry and as I didn't really have money for electricity/gas, I just stayed in A's room and watched films. Giselle, the girl I lived with, was often at work, so I spent a lot of time alone in the flat. Both the landlord and the owner had been REALLY threatening towards A and G so there were some really scary moments when I was crawling on the floor back into the room so that the landlord wouldn't see me, and didn't even go to the kitchen to make food. In addition, we only had one set of keys, and Giselle often missed the time she was supposed to be back in the flat so that I could have gone to meet my friends, etc. So I often had to wait until she bothered to show up. But I want to thank A and G for letting me stay in the flat, it was REALLY awesome that you gave me a place to stay. It's not your fault the landlord is a numptie and Grant is an asshole.
So, I've met many of the nice people here, and yesterday I moved into Karen's flat in order to live there for the next two weeks. I still haven't found a job, and it doesn't look like I ever will, so beware, my friends in Finland, I might be back in a few weeks's time.
There's one think good about staying in Finland and that's Greenpeace. I joined it a couple of months ago and went to a demo where we pured coal on the steps of a government building. It was in order to protest against the building of Finland's sixth nuclear reactor. WHY can't we use renewable energy sources instead of potentially hazardous one that ruins the environment already while uranium is mined right next door from people's houses and they still don't know where to locate the radioactive waste so that it wouldn't be dangerous in the future? I have an idea. Why don't the politicians who decide about this take it and bury it in their backyards? That would make the problem go away. Their families could just live there for generations and guard the toxic waste, and keep their own children as apprentices in order to pass on the information.
Hmm...why don't we just tackle climate change by using wind and solar power, and advancing the technologies that we already have in order to make those energy forms as profitable as possible. NO one wants a nuclear power plant in their backyards. It truly seemswe've completely forgotten about Tshernobyl...Global warming should be slowed down, and people should realise it's not only the activists's job to change the climate, it is everyone's responsibility.
If you're caught in a storm that should not be there, if you're swimming in a flood that no one has ever seen in your area, maybe you should start thinking about the future, not ours but also the coming generations's and make it sure they won't swim in the same flood.
ANYWAY, A is coming back today, so I'm going to say hi to her. Prolly also to the LGBT flat.
There's no scuba diving in Finland. I want to learn it in Thailand and then move into New Zealand to work for a film company, teach scuba diving and write books. That's my dream. Oh, and I'll also try to save the world, for all of us. Go to and find out, it's scarier than any landlords and burglars combined!
GET ACTIVE!!! DAMN why is it so cold in here?