I'm back after 7 weeks of total silence!
After my last entry...
1. I saw a big reef shark while snorkling before scuba diving at Local Islands in Krabi, Thailand. Also saw a sea turtle sleeping on the seabed!!!!!!!!!!and some cool as hell barracuda!
2. I had to wait 8 hours for my plane to take off from Krabi to Bangkok, and nearly getting lost ag Bkk airport
3. I got home on Wednesday, and started working on Thursday. Have been working as a teacher ever since, up til now
4. I have been thinking of becoming a diving instructor/activist in Thailand
5. I have been thinking of moving to Stirling.
I've just been thinking...People get a degree from uni or wherever, they get all these jobs, they get money, they get property, they have a family, two cars, 1,3 children, a flat somewhere not important or somewhere cool (doesn't matter), they go to work, come home, watch TV until they're too tired or bored to do that, go to sleep, go to work the next morning in their fancy cars...But isn't that a waste of time really? I mean, we're only here once, and when we die, we die alone. We don't get to take our money with us. We don't get to take our property or fancy jobs with us. We die. But the world stays here.
So what's the point of living like this? Shouldn't this point be helping each other, and making this planet liveable for the future generations, whether human or non-human? Isn't it to explore different cultures, to meet different people and to get to know this place before we leave?
Damn Iceland, has started commercial whaling again! What do those bastards think? well, after what they started doing to Iceland and for Alcoa, I'm not surprised. But I Am disappointed.
PLEASE sign the petition!!!
http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=474&aid=7623 Life is so short and I only have one left! Not like cats that have nine lives (though I don't think they really do, they're just bragging cause that's how cats are)
Finland is a police state! I was in a demonstration against the ASEM meeting. After that there was an anarchist demo, and 150+ activists showed up with journalists and bystanders - and over 300 riot cops! They surrounded us and made us stand there for 3 hours, arrested people with no reason, didn't talk to us even when we tried to ask questions and demanded freedom, beat people up, didn't let "innocent" bystanders get out, arrested a JOURNALIST with a press card, told us we had to go or we'd get nicked and still not letting us anywhere, and finally letting us go after searching our bags, taking our names and filming our faces. Some drunken teenagers threw a couple of bottles and 4 ppl had iron bars, baseball bats or something like that with them, but that doesn't justify actions like theirs. I made a complaint to the parliament, but I've lost my trust in our government.
ahh Thailand, how I miss you!!!!!!!!!!