Joonatan the Seagull and The Trip

Jul 19, 2006 20:16

I saved a seagull's life. I was going to Jimmygirl's house and went to supermarket to buy some sweets for us. He was standing there, with his left wing hanging lower than the right one. He was trying to eat a strawberry from the ground and didn't escape when I approached him, so I realised something was wrong with him. I went to the shop and decided to buy some food and ask for some water for him. He ate it so fast - he must have been starving. I knew I couldn't leave him there since there was a bar nearby and many drunks were going to be released from it after 12. So I took him into my black bag and carried him home. Put him underneath a box that was meant for clothes and looked like a factory farm cage in which people keep 5 chickens. I gave him water and he drank greedily. If I hadn't taken him with me, he would have died. The next day, I called some people who claim to protect animals, and they basically said that they wouldn't do anything about it unless the wing was broken. In that case, they would kill him. I didn't want them to kill him. He deserved to live. So I called another place, Pyhtään lintuhoitola (if you ever need the phone number, just ask me) and the guy there said he would take the seagull and treat him. I trusted him as he seemed to be angry about how people discriminate against seagulls, jackdaws and pigeons just because they're common - and wanted to take this particular young one in. I named the seagull Joonatan, after a seagull in a book where the bird, after taking flying as much for granted as we take walking, suddenly realises that he can fly and learns to love it. Karen arrived on that day and we decided to take the bird to the place, even though it was far away. It was the only place where they actually wanted to treat him. So the next morning, we put him into a box ( he was already VERY strong and tried to hurt us :D) and took a bus there. There were so many birds! Swans, different kinds of ducks, geese...all had somethihng wrong with them and some of them would never be released to the nature. So we left him there and came back. I called the guy today, Joonatan is doing well and his wing is getting stronger. He has hopes of being released.

COME ON Israel, ONE soldier is kidnapped and you have to kill DOZENS of innocent people for that? Who do you think you are? I mean, I don't approve violence of any kind, whether it is directed at Israelis, Palestinians OR the Libanonese, but remember that violence only creates violence, revenge only creates revenge, and oppression only creates resistance. This is how the world works.

ANYWAY, since Karen came here, we've been on the beach in Herttoniemi, (after which I had a heat stroke), cycling a lot, walking around and also at our summer cottage. It was soooo lovely there! Although on the next day after we arrived I had some weird rash all over my body, and I was feeling a bit dizzy the whole day...That was the day after the heat stroke. We went to some small islands surrounding our area and saw many rare seabirds. Walked in the woods and smelled the freshness. It was sooo nice!

we're ready to go, leaving in about an hour. Thailand calls! We'll be in Bangkok tomorrow and will go to our hostel that we've booked. I'll update my diary after we've settled down. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIVING, clear blue ocean, good veggie food, the SUN, jungle...there are so many things to see, taste, feel and hear - my little mind is going to explode!

Oh, and I got my sleeping bag back!!

See you all later! I'm off to the Beach.
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