Nov 27, 2005 12:23
If you put a handicapped person into a group home, you teach them a system to keep their personal effects together. Here is your money and here are your socks..Now we are going to take the bus to your job at the Kroger as a bag boy.You remind them to say thank you and please and to help with chores. You watch to see that they shower and use deoderant and that their fingernails are clean since they are working with the public after all. Now did you remember to take your medicine ?You check to see they didn't just cheek it. Restrictions are placed on those who refuse to cooperate . You can't go to the field trip because you refused to make your bed or you were rude to someone.
If you oversee a home of handicapped individuals you realize how important it is for each person to contribute to the upkeep of their home. If board games are played you see to it that those involved put the game away and you explain that parts will be missing if they aren't put back properly. You watch to see that each person does their daily chores. If one person refuses to do their chores are contribute the over all tranquility and order of the home is threatened. Repeated offenses result in an individual being returned to the larger home where meals are brought to the table by staff and dishes are washed by hired help . No one expects a lower functioning handicapped person to contribute .
It is your day to load the dishwasher and take the trash out.In the individual homes you often have You ave charts and put stickers on them when these simple tasks are completed. "OH,
ook you get a bunny rabbit sticker because I didn't have to remind you to brush your teeth today."
These special needs people are not very different them those of us who have not been identified as being mentally challenged. If these formerly dependant are higher functioning they are able to live in independant homes.
I wonder how many of those of us who live at this address would be considered higher functioning?
One of us rarely bathes and rarely is polite. I do not think he would be considered higher functioning if I was assessing him and I do not think he would be able to live in a group home because he does not do his daily grooming or keep his effects together or even play well with others. Few of the retards here bother to help with the shopping or preparing of food. Few of them put their own pizza boxes away.