My mother left today! Sad. But Ill get to see her in a month so that is good.
We had a wonderful time in STL. Lots of beautiful days to go out and galavant. I love that!
We went to the Zoo, The Botanical Gardens, The Loop, Shopping, she met my friends. It was awesome. I miss her already. She was like a breath of fresh air that I needed SOO badly and didnt even know it.
The last one is for Corley. The thing was camera shy so I didnt ever get it's face. HAHA!
I forgot to take my camera with us alot of the time, so I never got a picture at the gardens, but we are going back in May becaues alot of stuff should be in full bloom then. Alot of the stuff was about to bloom when we were there this weekend, its going to be great in a few weeks!