Check out my new (yellow) form of green transportation--a ridiculously underpriced fixed gear bicycle that I found on craigslist. Beautiful new components including black racing wheels and oldschool drop bars which I flipped up bullhorn style.
All built on a vintage Gazelle frame. Gazelle is a high-end Dutch bicycle company, you could say the Mercedes Benz of bicycles. The model name, Champion Mondial (World Champion in French) is even flanked by little French flags. I love that touch.
On a fixed-gear bike, the sprocket is attached directly to the rear-wheel's hub. This increases "souplesse," that is suppleness or feel for the road. That means there's no coasting; when the wheel's spinning so are the pedals. Since there are no derailleurs, the bike is extra light and needs little maintenance.
I'm excited to start commuting on it, even if I'm a little nervous about riding all the way to the transit center without brakes. Who says material things can't make you happy?