Jun 29, 2005 19:45
I got burnt
There's a retard cat with 3 legs... I called it Pegleg the Pirate.
I wish I was a pirate..
One of the shops has a fuck load of pipes and knives and shit.. 'mazin.
I want loads of comments by the way, cos I'm really far away and I feel lonely so comment loads and tell me I'm missed.
I haven't had a feg in 2 days and it's killing me... When I get back I'll end up smoking all the fegs I brought everyone back in like half an hour.
I got a couple of new labrets.
I remembered more greek than I thought I would. I was at the restaurant and my dad was like, 'she-wants-the-leaves-with-the-rice, LEAVES... WITH... RICE? yea, that's right... TO EAT... yea, EAT.' And I was like, 'yea the domadehs' i dunno how its spelt and everyone looked at me and was like 'show off' but i was surprised i remembered it.
And I'm in pain... there's a line down my arm from when I'm burnt to when I'm not. I was lying a weird way..
Msn doesnt work but I doubt anyone would be online as it's half five with you's and a wednesday so you'll all be wasted in town. There's an internet cafe down the road... well internet bar. I'll probably be on there in the next few days.
There's a set of 3 samerai swords and there different lengths. There quite cool and it's 29,90 euros like 20 quid... I can't find the pound or euro sign on these retarded greek keyboards. Any way does everyone think I should get the swords and have them mailed home or buy like loads of weird pipes and lighters and novelty skins.
I'm going to a mad water park tomorrow.
I hate fat people I've decided... Especially fat germans... Well only fat germans that are so fat they have wheelchairs cos they can't walk and then complain to the beach people when they get stuck in the sand...
Any ways
That block of blank is cos I'm paranoid people are reading over my shoulders.
I need a shower.. What should I wear? I really am just wasting time here by convincing myself that I need to be typing this when infact I'm just babbling on about fuck all.
Any way
See you guys later... I'm back on the 12th... but I'm not coming out til the wednesday on account of I'M A BIG DIRTY TAIG