(no subject)

Nov 16, 2005 22:44

Yeah, okay...

Ive decided to take Friday off...epifany day for me.

Time to relax at home..

Today I felt that a Christmas list was needed to be taken note of

I have 23 people I need to give gifts too..not including family members..A majority of the gifts include earings, necklaces, thongs?, and dvds?
well that was interesting
I began to think to myself and asked my friend...

" Can I have a pencil and paper? "
which he responded...
" I have a pen"
"same thing"
" yeah...but you said pencil so you know I just thought.."
"...both perform the same function"
"Its true...pencil has an eraser though...make a mistake you can erase..slight difference some people are very specific about it"
" one writes....the other writes"
" eeeh...but you did say pencil"

My sister wants a new Ipod? ...damn 300 dollars..I dont have that kind of money..Ill have to work it off in my paychecks though..start not taking lunch breaks. Shady
Ive had a problem with my paper being stolen also..I talked to Mike across the place...
We endulged into a nice conversation with a beer and some ciggs...I began to wonder what might a man like him want with my paper in the morning..Im sorry if I care about the world and whats going on..stop stealing my paper..It happened last year. I gave him a subscription to the New York times and then I just forgot about it...and then all of a sudden for 6 days now my paper is dissappearing...
" Mike ehh...hows life?"
" Lifes good Taylor..hows your girlfriend?"
" Well that err, long time ago shes non existent to me right now"
" Really"
" Hey, let me ask you something professional okay?"
" Have you been stealing my paper?"
" What how is that professional?"
" All fingers are pointing towards you Mike"

Turns out he wasnt stealing my paper at all the Paper guy just fucks with my place.

Well anyway I was driving around with Russel from the hockey game on saturday..*straight ass hockey fight by the way the goalie skated across the floor and dove into the other teams box and took out like three people..and we got on the big screen*
Well Russel and I were somewhere on Peachtree Ind. and we pass a truck that looks like his...he gives some goofy ass wave
"Wtf are you doin Rus?"
"You didnt see that man?"
" You waved to a guy thats driving the same truck as you"
" Yeah...well we are a special breed of people......Im going to find out whats up with that guy"
*Turns into left lane to turn and follow him
" Are you serious your going to go follow him....what...what the fuck are you going to do when you catch up to him man?"
" good question..."

So, Today

I want to keep this persons name anonymous...

Awkward conversation :
"How is ..your Vagina?"
"Its...getting better"

Well...this weekend although I will be relaxing on Friday ...will be insane and eventfull..no sleep..no mercy for the weak..fuckin bastards...Its like 30 degrees here man what the fuck...
Oh yeah..I need to find out what to give my crush for christmas...eh

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