Guillermo Gudino - Islas

Sep 29, 2011 23:07

This project is part of an ongoing investigation on photography as a mode of interaction. The essential act of choosing is made evident by eliminating the context. By keeping what grabbed my attention in the first place, I reveal the shape of my choices. Exposing the white edge of the torn paper, I look to create awareness of the physicality and aggressiveness of the act of taking an image of one place and producing a fragment. My relationship with the document becomes a performance of replicating the selection process while unveiling it.

Photography is acknowledged as an act of intervention that concentrates in the edges of the image, where the presence of the body is re-inserted into the process of translation from experience to representation. The fragmentation of the space through the act of taking a photograph is reinforced and enhanced by creating specific shapes that function as independent masses of land inside the reflective surface. The fluid image on the mirror interacts with the fixity of the cut-out, which at the same time contrasts with the transitory nature of the changing landscape.
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